Practical insights for compliance and ethics professionals and commentary on the intersection of compliance and culture.

Selected TED/TEDx talks on privacy expectations and technological innovations

Check out these TED and TEDx talks on privacy expectations and technological innovations.  As advancing technology makes a more complex impact on society than ever, individuals’ needs to cultivate their sharing practices and define their privacy expectations are increasing in importance.

  • Privacy in the Digital Age (Nicholas Martino) – Privacy should be seen as a means of safety and source of respect for individual rights in a high-tech world:

  • The Humanity in Privacy (Scot Ganow) – It’s commonly argued that perhaps the way to overcome insufficient protections for privacy is to reject previously-held conventions about the right to privacy itself.  In this view, privacy isn’t possible, so struggling to maintain it is futile.  However, in reality, privacy may be essential to humanity, and can be redefined and sustained as a collective effort:

  • What will a future without secrets look like? (Alessandro Acquisti) – If people fail to establish public and private domains in their lives, both online and in real life, then the divisions between these will continue to blur and disappear.  However, private information that is truly sensitive will be increasingly at risk of improper exposure, if society does not stake a bolder claim as to what previously-considered private information may be shared:

  • The coming privacy crisis on the Internet of Things (Alasdair Allan) –  On the presumption that privacy is a vanishing social norm and the impact of the prevalence of the Internet of Things, with its attendant security concerns:

  • Finding a Balance Between Privacy and Progress (Jules Polonetsky) – Overall, progress in technology must be carefully and thoughtfully balanced with privacy protections, so that the status of both in society may be sustainably defined and regulated:

For other TED/TEDx talks on similar topics check out this post. Also, this post on the movie “The Circle” also goes in-depth into the topic of digital identity and individual ideas about privacy.  Finally, this post addresses privacy and other compliance issues with the Internet of Things.

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